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鞍山Air conditioning sheet metal parts

鞍山Air conditioning sheet metal parts

  • Category:鞍山Sheet metal parts
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:24:49
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

Sheet metal machinery equipment

Generally speaking, the basic equipment of sheet metal processing plant includes shearmachine, CNC machining machine / laser, low temperature plasma, waterjet cutting machine / combination machine, bending machine various auxiliary machines equipment, such as uncoiler leveling machine Machine, deburring equipment, nut spot welding machine, etc.

Production process

Generally, the three most important processes of sheet metal processing plant are shearing, punching / cutting folding.

Sheet metal parts are sometimes used to pull metal. The word comes sheet metal. Precision aluminum tube cutting generally refers to plastic deformation caused by manual stamping of some metal plates. Professional aluminum tube cutting produces the desired appearance specification. Further, it can produce more complicated parts according to welding small amount of mechanical processing, such as the common chimney in home There are also cars, the shell is made of sheet metal.

Sheet metal material production processing is called sheet metal processing plant. In practice, for example, using plate to make chimney, stainless steel barrel, oil barrel of automobile oil tank, ventilation duct, eccentric big small end of elbow, round place, Buchner funnel shape, etc., the key process flow is cutting, sheet metal bending trimming, bending forming, welding, riveting, etc., which requires a certain knowledge of geometric graphics. Sheet metal is sheet metal hardware According to the stamping die, bending, drawing other ways to produce process parts, a rough definition is that the thickness will change in the production process. The corresponding is cast iron parts, casting parts, machining parts so on. For example, the outer shell of the car is sheet metal, some kitchen utensils made of stainless steel plate are also sheet metal.



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