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运城Carved metal screen

运城Carved metal screen

  • Category:运城Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:03:05
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

Installation of base plate:

Check the flatness flatness of the steel frame, finally fix the base plate on the steel frame according to the design scheme.

(after production processing in the processing plant) install metal wood veneer on site:

Metal material wood veneer is produced processed by processing plant installed on site. After the process is carried out, the metal material wood veneer produced processed by the processing plant can be installed in place. Generally, sticking, welding, bolts, closing fixing methods are used.

Edge closing solution:

After the installation of metal material wood veneer, laser cutting technology is used to close the sockets around to ensure no burr shrinkage. The socket must be solid. The surface of stainless steel plate shall have obvious defects. When the stainless steel plate is pieced together, the socket should be inseparable the texture should be consistent.

Screen partition appeared in the Zhou Dynasty 3000 years ago as the king's special equipment, as a representative of the position power. After continuous evolution, screen partition as the main use of wind resistance, decoration partition, concealment, has the function of decorating the natural environment cleaning the interior space. Therefore, it has been widely spread so far, evolved a variety of expression forms. Nowadays, screen partition is divided into surround screen, seat screen, wall screen, table screen, etc. among them, large medium-sized screen partition can show that kind of elegant spirit, which is the best choice for large living room, service hall, conference hall company office. It can be placed moved at will according to the need to move, interact with the indoor air, complement each other, integrated, glass laser cutting into a home decoration indispensable overall, show a kind of harmonious beauty, calm beauty. In the past, the key of screen partition was to separate the interior space, but now we pay more attention to the decorative art of screen partition. We must only construct the actual effect of "separation inseparability", but also pay attention to its own expression effect. It is a combination of application artistry. It has practical significance. It also gives the screen partition a new artistic aesthetic inner letter. It must be a classic of handicrafts with the traditional characteristics of the Chinese nation.



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