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运城Metal frame screen

运城Metal frame screen

  • Category:运城Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:02:10
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

Design style application of screen partition in contemporary home decoration design

The screen partition of modern furniture has already got rid of the unchanging constraint of traditional definition. The design function of aluminum plate laser cutting have changed greatly, the design styles are also different. Some of them are realistic design style dominated by construction style, which emphasizes the decorative design, color style of screen partition, is loved by young people with petty bourgeoisie complex. For example, sheet metal laser cutting in a simple screen partition structure, casually put on a rose red light purple chemical fiber yarn, so that the figure can be seen in the future, producing a kind of brilliant, warm style. Some of them are poetic design styles that respect Chinese culture. They draw on the essence of classical screens, produce refine excellent Chinese traditional elements, integrate with contemporary industry. The development trend has become a new Chinese style with unique characteristics. Whether it is the text like a dragon snake the plum, orchid, chrysanthemum bamboo in the background photos, they all reflect the modeling works of literati Taste. The other is to get rid of the abstract ethereal realistic design style of fixed thinking mode. Its modeling design, color, material placement method all strive to pursue perfection unusual, which is loved by Chinese designers personalized personnel.



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