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运城Metal screen

运城Metal screen

  • Category:运城Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:01:45
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

Screen partition has the effect of cleaning, separating harmonizing in modern furniture. in the residential natural environment complement each other, become the family decoration indispensable overall. A unique screen partition is also placed at home, which can only solve the singleness of indoor space, but also produce infinite vitality elegant charm for the house, which has a very key effect on setting off the atmosphere of home furniture improving the taste of home furniture.

In fact, to each residence, we can make reference the following aspects.

The entrance porch is an impressive area. A screen partition is set up at the porch, laser cutting machine can be used to process sculptures with high permeability painted stainless steel polishing laminated glass, which can block the vision maintain the consistency of large capacity.

In the large living room with a large total area, you can choose a small screen as a screen wall a screen wall to prevent the shortcomings of opening closing the door to see the hall. In addition, the small laser cutting can also set off the plastic art atmosphere of the large living room, reflecting the unique aesthetic taste of the host family. For example, the silver white metal screen decorated with ring-shaped glitter powder is used, the study home with light color is added With, rich sense of science technology, can show the personalized fashion trend of the big living room. Hotel is the interior space with more coordination ability in home decoration design. If the total area of residence is large enough, an interior space can be set up independently as a hotel. For the residence with small living area, the hotel can also be built in the dining room, kitchen, hall large living room. At this time, the screen wind partition should be used to separate the interior space effectively use the interior space. In a large capacity is to make different space layout, can choose the folding transparent screen partition glass screen, this kind of transparent screen partition only cuts the indoor space, easy to block the light source.



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