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衡水Metal stainless steel screen

衡水Metal stainless steel screen

  • Category:衡水Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:06:17
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

production process

Setting out solution of rural basic level setting out fixing fixed frame base plate (after production processing in processing plant) installation of metal material wood veneer on the spot to solve the problem.

a. Construction conditions:

Before the construction of the project, the light steel keel ceiling should be carried out, the electrical equipment pipelines that must be buried into the rural base should be laid in time, the necessary engineering materials have been mobilized, the machines special tools required for the project construction are ready.

b. Setting out solutions for rural grassroots

According to the provisions of construction drawings modeling design, the setting out of rural grassroots is carried out. Generally according to the grading specification of the main keel, acrylic laser cutting on the wall of the engineering building pops out the dividing line. Find the measurement point datum point of the project construction. Within the scope of installation, according to fire safety, anti-corrosion standards for rural grassroots to solve. Wood structure construction rural grass-roots for fire safety solutions. The rural base of steel frame structure shall be applied with 2-3 times of antirust treatment (fire) paint.

Installation of connector steel frame:

Strictly in accordance with the design scheme modeling design provisions, the steel frame. Laser cutting engraving steel frame connecting parts are connected by welding screw. Embedded nails expansion screws are used to fix the connector the actor. The model, specification model of the installation frame connector must conform to the design scheme specification standard.



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