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吉林 Metal screen partition

吉林 Metal screen partition

  • Category:吉林 Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:00:33
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

The essence of screen design is to create cultural value, also to create humanization, to create beauty artistic value. This requires us to integrate the meaning of customer's corporate culture, brand image CI development strategy. Low standard is to carry out the intention of interior decoration fit in with the style of interior decoration; standardization is to fill in the inadequacy of interior decoration level, which is closely linked with engineering decoration complement each other. On the other hand, it should conform to the aesthetic standards, pursue perfect beauty artistic value, create distinctive cultural value for customers.

The key of screen partition is to separate the indoor space, the precision of laser cutting now pays more attention to the decorative art of screen partition. The laser cutting air compressor must only build the actual effect of "separation inseparability", but also pay attention to its own expression effect. It is a combination of application artistry. It has practical significance. It also gives the screen partition a new artistic aesthetic inner letter. It must be a classic of handicrafts with the traditional characteristics of the Chinese nation. Office screen is the use of visual effects of different levels of isolation, can effectively reasonably use the confined space, scientific research constitutes each individual work center, screen partition promotes the utilization rate of enterprise indoor space reasonably, can also create a comfortable office environment. In addition, power plug, network cable, computer cable, etc. can be arranged in the slot of office screen skirting line. In addition, the power socket can be set on the skirting line. The line is connected to the table surface by the power plug according to the wire pressing hole preset in the door panel, which is convenient to use maintain the overall actual effect of the office screen. The screen desk is also the inner complex of natural environment human nature. Each edge each screen are filled with design ideas essence. With the selection of various materials colors, you can freely give full play to your imagination in the design scheme. A variety of connection perspectives will change with the change of sitting position interior space.



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