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昆明Stainless steel cutting

昆明Stainless steel cutting

  • Category:昆明Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 14:09:12
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

Screen partition is a kind of furniture used in the interior of houses in ancient times. It is said that "the wind of the screen is also". As a key component of Chinese classical furniture, screen partition has become increasingly prominent in history. Screen partition general furnishings are designed in the obvious parts of the room, with the effect of separation, cleaning, blocking wind, harmony so on. It classical mahogany furniture complement each other, become an integral whole of home decoration, show a kind of harmonious peaceful beauty.

Screen partition appeared in the Zhou Dynasty 3000 years ago as the king's special equipment, as a representative of the position power. After continuous evolution, the screen partition of laser cutting equipment is the main use of wind resistance, decoration partition concealment, has the function of decorating the natural environment cleaning the interior space. Therefore, it has been widely spread developed a variety of expression forms.

Division according to type system

The screen is divided into plug-in screen (also known as seat screen), folding screen (also known as curved screen), hanging screen, Kang screen, table screen (also known as inkstone screen).

The plug-in screen (also known as the seat screen) contains a base is retractable. In ancient times, it was often used as a natural barrier behind the key seat, thus displaying the elegance self-esteem of information. After that, more more stainless steel laser cutters were built at the entrance of the room, especially in the buildings with large interior space design. Large medium-sized seat screens are often used for furnishing design at the entrance, which can cover the vision, that is, what the contemporary refers to

"Ground screen".

There are also three flat five fan type screen fans; there are also single fan screen base which can be installed unloaded. Generally, they are called "mountain type", "five fan type" "plug-in screen type".



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