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Ningbo laser cutting

Laser cutting in Ningbo
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甘肃 Metal screen in living room

甘肃 Metal screen in living room

  • Category:甘肃 Metal screen
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2020-08-12 13:56:08
  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Parameter

Laser cutting of various kinds of super heavy pipe fittings

Traditional machine equipment in the pipe laser cutting is relatively simple, many simple laser pipe cutting machines only complete the super heavy round steel pipe laser cutting, other types of pipe laser cutting production processing limitations are strong. In addition to laser cutting the basic large round steel pipe, heavy technology professional laser pipe cutting machine can cover all pipe products, such as: square steel pipe, rectangular square pipe, round steel pipe, round steel, angle steel, H-beam, etc.

Improving laser cutting precision actual effect

In the traditional flame / low temperature plasma production processing, due to the large cutting gap, there is a large specification error in the specific products processed. It is difficult for the laser cutting machine accessories to achieve the production processing of pieced pipe fittings fine small round hole laser cutting. Heavy technology professional laser pipe cutting machine can complete high-precision pipe laser cutting production processing, leading laser cutting to improve the quality of laser cutting, in addition to filling the shortage of traditional production processing methods.

Laser cutting of longer pipe with higher load

It can be said that there is a big short plate difficulty in laser cutting of super heavy pipe fittings. It is a technical training for the bearing force of machine equipment the clamping of hydraulic chuck for the thick long super heavy pipe fittings. Heavy technology professional laser pipe cutting machine, single pipe laser cutting load up to 1500kg, single pipe length up to 12m (traditional production processing is limited to 6m). In order to improve the difficulty of the original ultra heavy pipe fitting left right material laser cutting short plate, 4 hydraulic chuck design scheme completes the laser cutting work of super heavy pipe, pursues the perfect "zero tail" material calculation quality.



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